Welcome to No Word for Home, a cozy nook of the internet where stories of home and belonging are shaped and shared.

Here, you’ll find a mixed bag (I am a Libra with perpetual choice paralysis, after all) of personal essays, thoughts on poetry and writing, book recs, writing prompts, profiles and interviews with inspiring writers and thinkers (coming early 2024), lists, and more. Within the realm of home and belonging, topics include: grief, mental illness, memory and inheritance, bodies, food, art, writing, and general creativity. Posts go out every Sunday (usually), with at least one post each month available to free subscribers.

I’m a poet, writer, and educator currently residing in the rural interior of British Columbia. My first collection of poetry, Antonyms for Daughter, was published in 2021, and my poetry and personal essays have been published widely across Canada and the United States. In 2019, I won the CBC Nonfiction Prize for my personal essay on intergenerational trauma. I’m now at work on some new poetry and a memoir.

I’m currently in the middle of what I might call a gap year, which I took to give myself some space to finish some applications and writing projects that had been on the backburner for too long. This gap year has meant moving back into my family home, which is not so much a home as it is a house where terrible things happened. So, I’m working through all of that in tandem with planting seeds, which is how I’ve arrived here. However you’ve arrived here, thank you.

  • Free subscribers have access to at least one free post each month.

  • Paid subscribers ($7/mo or $60/yr) have access to weekly posts, full archive, writing prompts, and monthly interviews or profiles of inspiring writers or thinkers. Note: Yearly subscriptions are nearly 30% less than paying monthly.

  • Founding members ($80/yr) receive everything, plus a one-hour, one-on-one conversation with me about writing, project feedback, editorial support, or just a simple Q&A on writing or the creative process—we can make it whatever you need it to be!

However you show up, thank you for being here. If financial barriers are keeping you from a membership, please reach out at nowordforhome@substack.com and I will gift you a three-month membership, no questions asked.

That said, I believe in supporting writers for their work, and the longevity of NWFH depends on those who are willing and able to support this work financially. Thank you in advance to everyone who helps keep the lights on in our little nook of the internet.

Subscribe to No Word for Home

Weekly notes on writing, home, and belonging. Interviews, profiles, and writing prompts coming late 2024.


Poet & essayist. Author of Antonyms for Daughter.